Health – Hi My Dog Sun, 11 Dec 2022 03:15:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How to prepare your home and make it safe for a senior dog Sun, 11 Dec 2022 03:15:12 +0000

How to Prepare Your Home and Keep Senior Dogs Safe

Observing your dog’s age can be a difficult process. You notice that they start to slow down and try to do things that used to be easy. Just because your furry family member is getting older doesn’t mean they can’t live a life of comfort! There are a number of ways you can make life easier for your older dog by making a few adjustments to your home.everyone likes spoil their dogsso following these four simple tips can help you create a wonderful living space and life for your senior dog.

1. Make moving easy

One of the most important considerations is moving your senior dog around the home as it becomes increasingly difficult for them to move around. This means trying to limit any potential obstacles or spaces that might be difficult to bypass. An easy way to do this is to create more open space for your dog by pushing the coffee table away from the center of the area they like to hang out, such as the living room. It’s also a good idea to move breakable items, such as floor lamps or coffee tables with picture frames.

Try and limit the amount of hardwood or any type of potentially slippery floor they walk on, as this can lead to more accidents as your dog gets older. Rather than spending money on carpet to replace hardwood floors, area rugs and rugs are a great option.your Local Home Goods There’s usually a good selection that’s reasonably priced, in stock, and has good online availability too. A couple of other good value options are Wayfair and Costco. Covering the floor with rugs will help your dog move around with better traction and reduce the risk of slips or falls.

Try adding a paw washing station by the door to help keep your dog paw health And cleaning as they go indoors, this also prevents slips and possibly even some health issues down the road. Keep paw wipes and fluffy towels in your mudroom or foyer for easy cleanup!

2. Focus on comfort

You want your dog to stay as comfortable as possible as he ages to limit any aches and pains that come with age. With so many dog-friendly options, it’s easy!

An older dog naps most of the time, so Orthopedic dog bed Nature is a good investment to help keep your senior pup comfortable. It’s also a good idea to provide some raised dog bowls so they don’t have to bend over to eat and drink. Little things like this will keep your furry friend cozy!

Supplements like joint support chewables and even CBD oil are popular among some pet owners, so you may want to talk to your veterinarian about options for your older pup.

3. Avoid the stairs

A two-story house might be fun for kids, but not so much for older dogs. As your dog gets older, not only will your dog struggle to climb up and down stairs, but it can be dangerous. It’s best to avoid stairs altogether, but that’s not always possible. This can be even more challenging if you live in a multi-story home where your dog typically spends a lot of time upstairs. Try to limit his access one way, either up or down, dog door. These doors are available in a fairly tall version, tall enough for even the largest varieties!Don’t just look for pet doors; sometimes Child gates are a better choiceprice and sturdiness wise.

If you live in a home where stairs are unavoidable, consider bringing your dog (if possible) with you to avoid stressing his body. You can also add a dog lift or ramp to the stairs to help your dog go up and down stairs easily without discomfort. At least, take your time! Let your dog go at his pace, and don’t rush him up and down stairs if he has to walk.

If your dog has the privilege of a bed or couch, you can easily make one DIY Dog Ramp to prevent strain jumps. If you live in an apartment where stairs cannot be avoided, then you may only need to bring your dog with you if possible.If your apartment has an outdoor patio, consider Washable Dog Potty Mat Avoid going down the stairs multiple times to the bathroom.

4. Save money for an aging pet

All of these potential projects and purchases to make your home safe and comfortable for a senior dog can take a toll on your wallet. Things like elevated dog bowls and orthopedic dog beds won’t be too much trouble, but adding in building dog ramps and buying dog doors and outdoor potty mats might add up. You may want to consider setting aside a monthly pet budget, not only for comfort but also for medical care.

If you go for the more expensive option and decide to replace some of the flooring with softer carpet, or add a lift for your dog to climb stairs more easily, this will most likely save you more than you would normally save. While your dog may be young right now, as we age in our homes, home updates for your elderly pet can help humans too—making the investment even more worthwhile.Funding is tight for the project, but some adjustments do need to be made now, and it might even be considered Home Refinancing to Fund Upgrades.

the bottom line

We all love our pets, and watching them struggle to complete tasks as they get older can be difficult. Fortunately, there are a few tweaks you can make to your home to help them live out their golden years happily and healthily!

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Nurse clinics for pets Veterinary nurses run clinics to help keep your pets in top condition, offering services such as checking your pet's weight and dental checks. Wed, 09 Nov 2022 14:41:53 +0000 Pet Nurse Clinics Veterinary nurses run clinics to help keep your pet looking its best, offering services such as pet weight checks and dental checkups.

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Orthopaedics and Fracture Repair Veterinary orthopaedics may be needed to help with any abnormality your pet develops or to repair fractures from injuries. Find out more about our services. Mon, 07 Nov 2022 12:17:10 +0000 Orthopedics and Fracture Repair Veterinary orthopedics may be needed to help your pet with any abnormalities or to repair broken bones from injuries. Learn more about our services.

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5 Health benefits of taking care of (and bonding with) your dog Sun, 06 Nov 2022 16:32:31 +0000

5 Health Benefits of Caring for (and) Your Dog

Author: Jasmine V.

There’s nothing better than having a friend you can count on. When the times get tough and life gets challenging, it’s a great feeling to be back with a furry friend who will always love you unconditionally. They remind you that you have a lot to live with, and no matter what, it’s going to be okay.

In addition to the emotional support our pets have to provide, they can benefit us in several areas of our health. Developing a bond with a dog can give you a sense of connection, responsibility, an active lifestyle, and a stronger sense of overall health. To better understand these health benefits, let’s explore together!

1. Connected company

Maintaining a close bond with your dog can guarantee you a loyal and loving companion for years to come. More specifically, when it comes to mental health, time spent with your dog can even reverse the effects of depression and loneliness.

Dogs are very sensitive to the emotions of their owners. They can feel the change happening as soon as it happens! For example, a dog might lean on you in a pinch when you’re not feeling well, or curl up next to you when you’re feeling overwhelmed—in their own way of showing support. Dogs also tend to rest somewhere under your feet or on your lap. This can be uplifting and comforting, reminding you that your poodle is ready to support, love and be by your side, every step of the way!

2. Reduce stress

Of course stress can make people feel overwhelmed and anxious, but Being with dogs lowers stress hormone cortisol, researchers find As a result, people feel happier. Petting your dog can regulate your breathing, lower your blood pressure and regulate your mental activity. When you play with your dog, your body releases two chemicals, serotonin and dopamine, both of which play a role in stress management and can improve your overall health.

3. Maintain a healthy weight

Spending quality time with your dog often means getting out and blending in. In addition to the essential outdoor walks, there are many other activities you can do with your dog, such as yoga, visiting local parks, and even swimming. Over time, your body will begin to adapt to a more active lifestyle, working the muscles that are active now. Before you know it, spending time with your furry friend will make you feel healthier!

Developing a bond with your dog as he ages creates a lifestyle in which you never have to worry about limited range of motion. Having a puppy will drive you to explore the beauty of the great outdoors while improving your body at the same time. As long as you think of your dog’s support for your health, your healthy life is guaranteed!

4. Unite against the epidemic

Because dogs spend a lot of time outdoors, they can bring all kinds of germs and bacteria home. Amazingly, this can actually have a positive impact on a pet owner’s health. These bacteria can spread to you or other pets in your home. Over time, the body’s immune system builds up its defenses against these germs, making your body less likely to get sick or infected.

For parents with babies, having a Walking your dog may reduce risk of allergies Even asthma. Research suggests this is due to a gut microbe called Lactobacillus johansson. Exposure to dogs can improve a child’s exposure to the outside world. So, regardless of age, the more time you spend with your dog, the more your immune system will improve.

5. Responsibility is reward

While owning a dog is fun and ensures a lifelong companion, caring for your puppy is undoubtedly a major responsibility. The closer you are to your dog, the more intuitively you can understand their needs and wants.

There is something satisfying about making your dog’s health and well-being a priority. It can be rewarding to know that you are not just living for yourself, but are responsible for another life. Just like humans, your dog needs routine check-ups from your veterinarian to stay as healthy as possible. In addition to routine care, your dog may become ill, injured, or have an ailment that requires more urgent care, which can result in unexpected costs.

This is where pet insurance can help. Having pet insurance is great for first-time pet owners because it covers a large portion of veterinary costs.Having insurance gives you peace of mind knowing that you won’t have to go through a more cost-effective “Plan B” to save on care in the event of a health emergency—you can provide the best care for your best friend without Will Drain Your Savings or Charge High Interest Credit Cards

only Just as important as having pet insurance is knowing how to use it! If you choose pet insurance, enroll as soon as you get your dog to minimize the risk of claim denials due to pre-existing conditions. Learn about per accident and annual limits, as well as premiums and deductibles. You can customize a plan to suit your needs, including choosing a zero-deductible plan.

the bottom line

There are more health benefits to spending quality time with your dog than we discuss in these five examples. As long as your pup is by your side, every adventure will have a positive impact on your health. Consider a prescription we could all benefit from.

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How much sleep do puppies need? Thu, 09 Jun 2022 13:00:53 +0000

Just like human babies, puppies need the most sleep when they’re very young and they gradually require less as they get older. Of course, sleep can be influenced from day to day by things like physical activity levels, feeding, and human factors, such as play or training. 

Dogs are diurnal, polyphasic sleepers, meaning they get most of their sleep during the night but take at least two naps during the day. 

Adult dogs sleep on average for 10-12 hours per 24-hour period. Growing puppies require more sleep than most adult dogs do and, when they’re very young, their sleep is strongly polyphasic – they alternate short periods of feeding and activity with sleep throughout the day.

Surprisingly little is known about puppies’ sleeping habits and few studies exist that help us to understand it well. We do know, however, from experiments that were carried out in the past, that getting enough sleep is absolutely vital to growing puppies.

How much sleep do puppies need?

An eight-week-old puppy needs 18-20 hours’ sleep in a 24-hour period. This might seem like a lot, but puppies are growing and developing quickly and a lack of sleep can be more harmful to their health and well-being than even a lack of food would be.

During the day, young puppies are awake and active for short bursts and then they need to sleep for a while. It’s not uncommon for them just to fall asleep in the middle of a play session! Your puppy will let you know when they need a nap, by showing less interest in whatever they’re doing, going off to bed or perhaps whimpering to themselves. If you see this behaviour, particularly if your puppy is sniffing around and looking distracted, it’s a good idea to check whether they need to go to the toilet before you pop them into their sleeping area. 

Sometimes, puppies might only sleep for a few minutes and at other times it might be much longer. It’s best not to disturb them until they are ready to wake again. When they do wake up, take them straight to their toilet area and reward them when they use it.

Whether your puppy sleeps for minutes at a time or for an hour or more, a healthy puppy is active and lively when they are awake. If your puppy lacks energy or seems drowsy or sleepy during periods of ‘awake time’, contact your vet team for advice

Some breeds of dog, most often brachycephalic (flat-faced) breeds, suffer from sleep disorders associated with their breathing. Affected dogs snore when they sleep and if their oxygen levels in their blood were to be checked at the time, it may show that they were lower than they should be. When affected dogs are awake, they are often drowsy and they fall asleep very easily. Talk to your vet if you are concerned that your dog may be affected by sleep-disordered breathing.

As puppies get older, they can stay awake for longer periods of time and need fewer and shorter daytime naps. They also find it easier to stay asleep for more of the night. In a recent study, owners reported that their 16-week-old puppies slept, on average, just under 12 hours in a 24-hour period, with 3.5 hours of that taken as daytime naps. 

By the time puppies are toilet-trained and are eating only two meals per day, their sleep patterns and requirements will begin to resemble more closely those of adult dogs.

At 12 months of age, young dogs reportedly sleep for just under 11 hours in a 24-hour period and nap for around three hours during the day.

Studies have found that adolescence is associated with further changes in sleep characteristics: Dogs over 1.5 years of age have been shown to sleep for between 60% and 80% of the night (taken as 8 am to 8 pm) and for 3-28% of the day.

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Spring tips for your cat and dog Keep your pet safe this Spring with our collection of tips and tricks. Make sure you know how to protect your pet with our helpful guide. Find out more here. Wed, 23 Mar 2022 13:35:26 +0000 Spring Tips for Your Cats and Dogs Keep your pets safe this spring with our collection of tips and tricks. Make sure you know how to protect your pet with our helpful guide. Learn more here.

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14 Foods You Might Not Want to Share With Your Dog Tue, 14 Apr 2020 18:37:36 +0000

14 Foods You Probably Don’t Want to Share with Your Dog

Infographic by Leo Wilson

Most pet parents know the foods you should definitely NOT feed your dog — onions, grapes, and chocolate, to name a few. But did you know dogs can’t digest corn or oranges? cyberpet compiles an awesome (printable) List of Human Foods Your Dog Can and Can’t Eat 14 of these foods might surprise you!

Leo Wilson is cyberpet, a website dedicated to providing streamlined, practical tips for pet parents. Wilson graduated from college with a degree in Animal Health and Behavior. He had over a decade of experience in the pet industry and has published numerous dog and pet related articles on several websites before he decided to start sharing his knowledge on his own blog. He and his wonderful wife love spending time at home with their 3 dogs and 2 cats.

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5 Winter Dangers for Dogs—and How to Avoid Them Sat, 07 Dec 2019 16:00:00 +0000

5 Winter Dangers for Dogs—And How to Avoid Them

By: Jessica Brody, Guest Writer

Most dog owners enjoy playing in the snow with their dogs – see how they play snowballs, meet snowmen, and chase the neighbor’s kids as they slide down the hill on their sleds. But while winter brings a lot of fun to our dogs, it can also bring some dangers. It’s important to be aware of the hazards winter can pose to your dog’s health so you can take the necessary steps to protect him.

1. Take a break from your walk

Even if your dog is full of energy, you’ll need a break when you’re walking him or going on a hike. Resting helps keep his paws and coat free of snow, ice, salt, or de-icing products. As you walk, you may find your dog trying to lick snow off his feet—the problem is that the more he licks, the more the snow sticks.Frequent stops to wipe off your dog’s paws are best, especially since He’s probably licking off the salt and ice melt, which can make him very sick.

Make sure to wipe down your dog’s feet during and after walks to keep his coat from matting and to remove potentially dangerous chemicals.image via Flickr.

When you wipe your dog’s paws, be sure to check for chunks of ice, snow, or salt between his toes. If ice or snow has stained his fur, gently wipe the problem area with a clean, dry towel to loosen the ice and remove it. If you’re going hiking or hiking, be sure to keep a few towels with you to keep your dog warm and may want If you plan on doing regular winter hikes, invest in booties to protect his feet.

2. Don’t leave your dog in the car

Chances are, you are well aware of the dangers of leaving your dog in the car In the hot summer. Unfortunately, people don’t realize that the dangers of leaving dogs in cars during the winter are just as serious. When it’s cold outside, a car is like a refrigerator. If you leave him in a cold car for too long, your dog could become hypothermic and possibly die. It’s best to keep him warm at home while running errands in the cold winter.

3. Keep your dog on a leash

Snow and ice can weaken the scent, making it difficult for dogs to find their way.When you go for a walk or hike with your dog in the winter, let him on the belt So he won’t lose his scent and get lost. Some dogs panic and run away during a snowstorm because they become disoriented and cannot use scent to find their way. Sadly, this is one of the reasons more dogs are lost in winter than in any other season. It’s a good idea to have an ID tag on your dog during the winter months and make sure he’s microchipped as well.

4. Clear a path in the yard

Best if you have a yard where your dog can poop shovel a way Wear snow for his winter use. Some dogs don’t like walking on or walking through snow, and they can have accidents inside the house when there is snow on the ground. Other dogs, especially long-haired ones, are hesitant to go outside because their fur is covered in little snowballs. Clearing the roads made it easier for him to do business outside.

Make it easier for your dog to go about his business outside – clear a path in the yard so he doesn’t have to wade through a foot of snow!

It helps you, too – this way makes for less work because you don’t have to spend as much time drying your dog or rubbing his stomach, legs, and paws every time he’s outside. Keep a dry towel near the door so you can dry him and warm him up every time he comes in.

5. Keep holiday chocolate out of reach

One of the highlights of winter is Valentine’s Day.While You May Love Your Dog, You Shouldn’t Share Your Box chocolate with him. Chocolate Contains Toxin, Theobromine, That Dogs Can’t Process As easy as a human being. If your dog ingests large amounts of toxins, it may cause tremors, seizures, irregular heartbeat, internal bleeding, or heart attack. The rule of thumb is that the darker the chocolate, the more dangerous it is. Even if you’ve heard that a small amount of chocolate won’t hurt your dog, it’s best to keep your dog out of his paws at all. If your dog does eat some chocolate, Use this toxicity meter to see if you should be worried.

the bottom line

Different steps are required throughout the year to keep your dog safe, healthy and comfortable. In the winter, stick with these helpful tips to get him through the season unscathed—hopefully he warms up too!

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The Secret on How to Get Dog Beds (and Towels and Blankets) Clean Wed, 19 Jun 2019 23:36:59 +0000

The secret to how to clean a dog bed (and towels and blankets)

We have had three dogs over the past eight years and have used up quite a bit of dog beds. Even if the beds looked brand new, they certainly didn’t smell brand new – and there didn’t seem to be any way to get rid of the stink! Think you’re doomed to buy a new bed every month? Think again! We’ve got some easy tips to keep those beds (and towels and blankets) clean and smelling fresh!

1. Vacuum before washing

This can go unnoticed, especially if you have a dog with a lighter coat. Even short-haired dogs shed, and sometimes a lot more than you think! Vacuuming before washing will not only help you achieve a cleaner bed, it will also keep your washer, dryer and ducts free of fur clogs and lingering odors.

Turn the bed over and use the handheld attachment to get into all the crevices where fur and other clutter like to hide. Turn the bed outside to wash.

2. Washing machine routines—and secrets!

We try to avoid harsh cleaners as two of our three dogs have environmental allergies and their skin is more sensitive. Use baby laundry detergent –We use Purex But either will do — gentler on fabrics and your dog’s skin, but probably not as tough on stains or odors.

If you find that using cleanser alone isn’t working, here’s how to compensate:

  • White Vinegar: Pour 1/2 cup to 1 cup vinegar directly over the bed of the machine.
  • The Secret Ingredient That Works: Add 5 Drops Young Living Purifying Essential Oils to the laundry soap dispenser. You can use more drops if needed for particularly smelly or dirty beds.
  • Optional: add 5 drops lavender essential oil to the soap dispenser for even greater fragrance. Lavender is a calming scent that is safe for dogs! Purification already contains a cross of French and English lavender (see below), so adding more lavender is not a must, but we love it!

3. Thoroughly dry

One of the problems with timed cycles on the dryer is that the bed never seems to actually dry! Moisture lingering in crevices can cause musty smells in beds and dryers. Periodically turn the beds over to dry for 20 to 40 minutes, depending on the number and size of the beds. Then turn the bedding over and let dry again for 20 to 40 minutes. This will ensure that the bed is thoroughly dry – and odour-free!

What is purification?

Purification is an essential oil blend crafted by Young Living, one of the oldest and most prestigious oil companies in the world. It consists of six oils:

  1. lemongrass
  2. Ravadin
  3. lemon grass
  4. rosemary
  5. myrtle
  6. tea tree

Something to keep in mind: The scent may be overwhelming for some first-time oil users, but it’s highly concentrated and you only need a few drops for it to work. The wholesale price for a 5ml bottle is $15.75 and the retail price is $20.72, excluding tax or shipping. Depending on the size and number of your dog’s beds, you can get at least 10 laundry items out of one bottle. It’s also very versatile – you can put 2-3 drops on a cotton ball and leave it on the bottom of the trash can to get rid of the smell in the trash can or diaper pail. Of course, it always spreads too!

Lavender Essential Oil comes in a 15ml bottle; wholesale price is $24.25, retail price is $31.91.

You don’t need to be a monthly member to get wholesale prices – we don’t!you will have Register under Distributor However, you’ll need to purchase a one-time starter kit, which starts at $45. If you want to buy products at retail prices, there’s no need to do this – just select “Retail” as your membership option at checkout when purchasing retail products.

NOTE: We are not Young Living resellers, nor will we receive any kickbacks for linking you to this product. It’s just what we love that works for us! It is highly recommended that you purchase this product through the Young Living website as they guarantee fresh and authentic oils “from seed to seal”.

the bottom line

We were skeptical that essential oils would work, but the “cleanse” does get rid of the stink – even for someone like me who is super sensitive to smells.We still donate our dog beds to shelters or to local rescue organizations After a few months of use, this helped us save some money by extending the life of the dog bed.

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6 Tips to Keep Your Dog Cool in the Summer Heat Wed, 12 Jun 2019 02:56:34 +0000

6 Tips to Keep Your Dog Cool on a Hot Summer Day

Record-breaking heat is already baking parts of California —San Francisco airport hits unprecedented 100 degrees this week. While it may be hard for you to stay cool, don’t forget that your furry friend needs some protection from the heat too! We have some easy expert tips to keep your pup safe during the dog days of summer.

1. Bringing Outdoor Dogs Indoors

It’s not a good idea to leave your dog outside in hot weather, even in the shade. Dogs just sweat through their paw pads and basically pant, so it’s much harder for them to stay cool.

“Also keep in mind dogs that don’t shed and don’t have protective coats,” Beverly Ulbrich, California Dog Trainer and Certified Behavior Therapist suggestion. “Hairy dogs sometimes even have double coats and oils to protect their skin from the weather, and these dogs don’t feel the heat on their skin right away like humans do.”

Some breeds that have hair instead of fur include:

  • Schnauzer
  • Shih Tzu
  • yorkshire
  • Poodle

2. Keep the water flowing

Staying hydrated is an important part of staying safe. Make sure your dog is getting plenty of water. If you’re out for a walk, a portable water cooler is the way to go. You can usually find them at discount stores like TJMaxx or Marshalls. Amazon always has great deals too!

Your dog can lick ice, but you need to be careful in some cases: Hard ice can break a dog’s teeth, and ingesting ice (or water) too quickly can cause swelling. We detail how to ice your dog in our collaborative article Via’s blog, The Daily Treat.

Coach Tips: Use an ice pack from the refrigerator and place it under a blanket or towel for your dog to lie on. “It’s a great, safe way to cool them down,” Ulbrich said.

3. Protective paw pads

Your dog’s paw pads are no match for the hiss of asphalt.

“Asphalt and other unnatural surfaces can easily get over 125 degrees, which can burn your dog’s paws,” Certified Consulting Meteorologist Jan Null explain. “Veterinarians say burns occur when surface temperatures exceed 125 degrees. As a rule of thumb, if you can’t stand bare feet, don’t let your dog walk on them!”

Null took measurements on various surfaces during the Bay Area (California) heat wave, recording temperatures of 141 degrees on asphalt, 133 degrees on sidewalks, 113 degrees on sunny grass, and 82 degrees on shady grass.

Be aware of the 94-degree air temperature, which heats the asphalt and sidewalks to a threshold that can burn your dog’s paw pads.

It’s best to avoid hot ground altogether, but if your dog must go outside, stay on (preferably shady) grass.

you can Invest in dog shoes, but some puppies have difficulty adapting to walking in it at first.Try it a few times in the house before heading out – don’t be surprised if your dog walks so funny It is the first time among them!

Coach Tips: Touch the ground with your hands and stay there for a few seconds. “If you’re uncomfortable, you’re probably hurting their paw pads,” Ulbrich said.

4. Wet their fur

Keeping your dog’s coat moist in the heat will help lower body temperature through a process called evaporative cooling. Evaporative cooling basically sucks heat away from the body – when water “dries”, it actually just changes phase, evaporating from liquid water to water vapor, which causes heat to transfer from the body to the air.

“It’s the same cool feeling you get out of a pool,” Null says.

A cooling vest doubles the cooling by reflecting the sun’s rays And keep the dog’s coat moist to keep evaporative cooling constant.

5. Don’t leave your dog in the car

Not for five minutes, not even with the windows down—absolutely not! Well, maybe with the engine running and the A/C on, but that’s about it!

Cars are like ovens, even with cracked windows. The temperature outside the car is 85 degrees, and the temperature inside the car will soar to 104 degrees in ten minutes, which is the critical temperature for heatstroke. Add to that the mix of your dog’s fur coat and basically being unable to sweat, and it’s dangerous for our pets.

“People always underestimate how cars heat up and how quickly they reach potentially lethal temperatures,” Null added.

6. Get to know your dog

It’s true that some dogs can tolerate slightly warmer temperatures better. Sudden extremes can be concerning, especially in certain breeds with short noses, such as:

  • Bulldog
  • pug dog
  • boston terrier
  • Shih Tzu
  • boxer

“These dogs were affected by heat faster and worse than other dogs with typical proboscis,” Ulbrich explained.

Watch how your dog reacts to heat — and be careful!

“If you’re concerned, check to make sure their gums aren’t pale or dry,” adds Ulbrich.

If you think your dog may be suffering from heat stroke, seek medical attention immediately.

the bottom line

It’s not just us trying to escape the heat – our dogs need to stay cool too! Use common sense when it comes to keeping your dog safe: if you don’t want to, your dog won’t either!

This article is not a substitute for professional veterinary or training advice. Seek professional help if you think your dog may have suffered heat injury.

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